Signs and symptoms
AAA suspected -> abdominal aortic aneurysm Abdominal pain -> cholecystitis (acalculus) Abdominal pain -> cholecystitis (acute) Abdominal pain -> illness requiring inpatient care Abnl UGI / persistent symptoms -> gastric adenocarcinoma Abscess suspected -> abd abscess Abscess suspected -> abd or pelvic abscess Abscess suspected -> pelvic abscess Acute coronary syndrome -> 30 day death or MI Adrenal insufficiency suspected -> adrenal insufficiency AIDS and diarrhea -> cryptosporidiosis Aldosteronism suspected (abnormal PAC:PRA ratio) -> primary aldosteronism Anemia (adults) -> anemia (iron deficiency) Anemia (cirrhotic patient) -> anemia (iron deficiency) Anemia (elderly) -> anemia (iron deficiency) Aortic dissection suspected -> thoracic aortic dissection Appendicitis suspected (adults) -> appendicitis Appendicitis suspected (child) -> appendicitis Appendicitis suspected (dx uncertain) -> appendicitis Ascites -> spontaneous bacterial peritonitis Ascites -> portal hypertension Back pain -> ankylosing spondylitis Back pain -> cancer Back pain -> spinal stenosis Back pain and suspected CA -> extradural mass Back pain with sciatica -> lumbar disk herniation Blunt trauma -> hemoperitoneum Bowel symptoms -> organic disease (not IBS) Breast CA -> bony metastases Breast CA -> liver metastasis Breast CA suspected -> breast CA Breast lump -> breast CA Breast mass or enlargement (men) -> breast cancer Breast mass or enlargement (men) -> gynecomastia Chest pain (all) -> acute MI Chest pain (all) -> acute MI or unstable angina Chest pain (all) -> coronary artery disease Chest pain (all) -> coronary artery spasm Chest pain (htn and abnl stress test) -> coronary artery disease Chest pain (LBBB) -> acute MI Chest pain (non-cardiac) -> GERD Chest pain (normal ECG) -> acute MI Chest pain (normal ECG) -> death or nonfatal MI in 30 days Chest pain (normal ECG) -> unstable angina Chest pain (previous CABG) -> coronary artery disease Chest pain -> adverse cardiac events at 30 days Chlamydia suspected (men) -> chlamydia GU infection Cirrhosis -> ascites Collagen vascular disease suspected (any) -> Reiters Syndrome (asympt controls) Colon CA suspected -> colon CA Diarrhea (acute) -> cholera Diarrhea (acute) -> salmonella or shigella Diarrhea (chronic) -> steatorrhea Diarrhea (chronic) -> UC or Crohns Diarrhea (non-bloody) -> invasive diarrhea DVT suspected (symptomatic) -> DVT (all) Dyspepsia (child) -> H. pylori infection Dyspepsia -> GERD Dyspepsia -> H. pylori infection Dyspepsia -> ulcer or cancer Elevated aminotransferases -> hepatic steatosis Febrile illness -> leptospirosis Fever (< 3 months old) -> pneumonia Fever (>= 39 C) and no obvious source (3-36 months) -> bacteremia Gastrointestinal symptoms -> Barretts esophagus GI bleed (rectal) -> GI bleeding source GI bleed -> GI bleeding source GI bleed -> upper GI bleed Headache -> sub-arachnoid hemorrhage Headache -> CNS malignancy Heart murmur (child) -> structural heart disease Hemolysis suspected -> hemolysis Hepatitis C -> cirrhosis Hepatobiliary disease suspected -> hepatobiliary disease HF suspected -> heart failure Hypertension -> high mean ambulatory diast BP Hypertension -> high mean ambulatory syst BP IBD suspected (adult) -> UC or Crohns disease Joint pain -> gout Knee pain (child) -> internal derangement Knee pain -> internal derangement Liver disease suspected -> subacute hepatic necrosis Lung CA -> hilar adenopathy Lung CA -> mediastinal adenopathy Lung CA suspected (any lesion) -> lung CA Lyme disease suspected (erythema migrans present) -> Lyme disease Lyme disease suspected (late, after 1st wks of infection) -> Lyme disease Meningitis suspected (any age) -> bacterial meningitis Meningitis suspected (child) -> bacterial meningitis Pancreatic CA suspected -> pancreatic CA Pancreatitis suspected -> pancreatitis PE suspected -> pulmonary embolism Pelvic mass -> ovarian CA PID suspected -> PID PID suspected -> PID (chlamydial) Pleural effusion -> lung CA Pleural effusion -> tuberculosis Pneumonia suspected -> pneumonia Positive hemoccult -> colon CA Positive hemoccult -> polyps Pre-eclampsia suspected (pregnant) -> proteinuria (> 300 mg/24 h) Renal lithiasis suspected -> renal lithiasis Screening (any) -> serious infection Screening (men) -> chlamydia GU infection Screening (women) -> ovarian CA Screening -> atrial fibrillation Septic arthritis suspected -> septic arthritis Septicemia suspected (adult) -> septicemia Shoulder pain -> rotator cuff tear (any thickness) Shoulder pain -> rotator cuff tear (full thickness) Shoulder pain -> rotator cuff tear (partial thickness) Sore throat (high risk for strep) -> GABHS pharyngitis Sore throat -> GABHS pharyngitis Staging Hodgkins -> liver involved UTI suspected (adult) -> UTI